Custom Palette Showcase - Lacringi’s United Front

 Hello realmrunners and welcome to another showcase of one of my Custom Palettes!

Carrying on with the Norso theme, since I'd previously shown my Brisgavi and Traders Palettes, I thought I'd complete the set of factions today and go over what I use as my Lacringi build. So here's the full list.

The overall strategy is pretty basic; Get a load of Hulder Trolls down to benefit off all the resolves that scale based on the number you have. With it being Norso there's a smattering of Object support in there to help deal with your opponent's cards as this is generally the most effective route in this realm. Thanks to several cards in the Palette that can Find them easily, we can run a lot of Objects as one-ofs So let's look at the individual cards themselves.

Chieftess Astrid of Lacringi - Legendary of the Pallete. Gives your Characters decent protection with a strong Shield Wall ability and can be a huge source of gain for you in the right circumstance. Best deployed when you have set up a strong Canvas of Hulder Trolls already otherwise, if she's Erased quickly, she's very costly to get back and re-deploy.

Siv of Lacringi - Strongest searchable Character in the Palette. As Shield Wall is a subtheme to this build she can give you a respectable amount of gain.

Eirik of Lacringi - Although costly to deploy for no resolve, his synergy with many other cards makes up for it, plus you can always trade an Object to help pay to deploy him since he'll Dig it back easily. Allows us to run several one-ofs of Objects knowing it's quite easy to get to them still.

Magnus of Lacringi - Gives the Palette some Dig power incase you lose any key Characters. Also decent Trade fodder in a pinch.

Lacringi Miner - Cheap to deploy, pays for himself the same turn and reduces the shard value of your Objects. Only downside to this guy is it'll mean you get less Trade value out of your Objects but the pros heavily outweigh the cons given all the syngeries he has with the rest of the Palette.

Lacringi Shield Maiden - Cheap Shield Wall Character for the Palette.

Lacringi Cliff Dwelling - Finds all but one of your Characters so great utility card that'll fetch what you need; need a character back? Grab Magnus of Lacringi, need an Object? Grab Eirik of Lacringi, just need a cheap Character that'll give you decent gain? Grab Lacringi Miner.

Lacringi Forge - Finds Objects, much like Eirik of Lacringi but has some gain attached to it, although it doesn't get as stronger synergies with other cards in the Palette.

Lacringi Hulder Totem - If you can maintain a decent Canvas of Hulder Trolls this card's gain can be very effective.

Dyrnwyn - Object that gives you some Location interaction that's quite easy to get a hold of, the gain from what you Erase is a good touch as well. 

Torstein's Gauntlet - Object that gives you respectable gain and is more difficult to remove than most. Means Characters like your Lacringi Miner or Lacringi Shield Maiden are more diffcult to Erase outside of combat.

Astrid's Talisman - Object with a high shard value, the Reveal is also a nice touch to keep your card advantage up and make it less costly to Trade a card. 

Corrupted Orium - Object you can throw onto an opponent's Character to hinder their strategy. Works particularly well vs Achrom decks as chances are, when they see you're a Chroma Palette, they'll leave their shard total lower than usual so this can really put a dent in their Shard Bank.

Lacringi Catapult - Versatile damage dealing Object that can get rid of smaller value cards or inflict a touch of damage to stronger ones, allowing your weaker Characters to then finish them off.

Orium Diamond - Object that acts as a good burst gain ability with it's Dispose effect. grabbing this back of Eirik of Lacringi is often a good way to gain a fair chunk of shards, as long you have a decently established Canvas to get more off of his attributes as well.

Spider's Silk - Object that can make combat very difficult for your opponent as it's Dispose ability can be used on any Character. Also nice to have a little steal in the mix.

Hulder Tail Whip - Very strong removal Action that has the potential to cost you almost no shards to deploy if you hit the right cards.

Lacringi Shield Wall - Has the potential to pull out Chieftess Astrid of Lacringi from your Palette but mainly it works as a way to boost Siv of Lacringi's resolve effect and make it harder for your weaker Characters to be Erased in combat.

Lacringi Totem Worship - Has the potential to be a strong source of shards of you, even if it's a little costly to deploy. You can use this as a decent Trade option though if the need arises as well.

Some other cards you could include are the following.

Leif of Lacringi - This little guy can give you some decent gain if you have a fair number of Locations out especially when paired with the next card.

Lacringi Gardens - If you want to go down the more Location based route this card will give you some fantastic draw power. Also, when twinned with Leif of Lacringi, it will double the gain you get from him too.

Brisgavi Axe - Object with a decent Dispose ability which gives you some interaction with certain key Locations during your opponent's turn which can hinder their strategy in multiple ways. 

HAIM Shard Cache - Something to consider swapping in over Lacringi Totem Worship specifically. Has a higher shard value for Trading and can snatch you some Achrom wins out of nowhere on occasion as well.

Imbued in the Forges - If you find yourself going heavier onto the Object-focus this can act as a good source of gain for you that also brings in an Object with it.   

That's all from me for now guys!

The Achroma store is currently doing an offer of 15% off with some heavily discounted bundles of The Warriors of Wishwell and their expansions to help you get ready for the next chapter, The Monsters of Norso!

See ya real soon folks! 


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