Custom Palette Showcase - New Model Pixie Army

Hello realm runners and welcome to yet another breakdown of one of my custom Palettes!

Today I thought I’d look at one of my old favourite legendaries from the first Spirata set, The Fall of Flutterby, and suit him up with the support we received in the newer set. So here he is, leading the Pixies, it’s Spiral Traitorius.

The strategy is pretty simple for this one really; put down a lot of Pixies then use Spiral Traitorius or Achrom Factory to get a big Steal or Drain to win with a healthy amount of cards to help you control the Canvas. So let’s look at the cards themselves.

Spiral Traitorius - Here to rack up a strong resolve. Every Character you’re looking to deploy boost it so shouldn’t be hard to get him to pay for himself the turn he’s deployed.

Sorrono - Strong Pixie that allows you to answer multiple cards and has a decent resolve.

Wincey Rustwhether - Painter that draws a card when deployed and gives you a good source of shards.

Carmela Traitorius - Amazing control card with Pixie typing.

Mechanical Pixie Commander & Mechanical Pixie Grunt - Newer Pixies to the game. Although their abilities & resolves aren’t a big focus they can get their value back through Spiral Traitorius and having out double Mechanical Pixie Grunt is a Drain 4 by itself. Mainly here for their good base strength in combat.

Morag & Ravaged Elite - Pixie names. Squish ability on them is a nice boost too.

Nocturno & Invasive Parasite - Infest cards to answer any powerful abilities. Nocturno turning off trading can be very relevant vs other Achrom Palettes as well.

Achrom Factory - Cheap to deploy and that Squish has the potential to get out of hand really fast.

Cintimani Stone - Incredible object. Not a huge amount to say about this that wasn’t already said in my in depth article on it here.

Fallen Stone Skeleton Key - In here to get to Achrom Factory quicker and help your Pixies survive longer in combat at the same time.

Peorth - With most cards having Achrom shards on them, this card can result in a really big Drain.

Factory Production Line - Getting to your objects faster will always be useful. Whether it gets Cintimani Stone or Fallen Stone Skeleton Key it’ll easily make up for the cost. 

Squad Formation - Only Characters this will hit are Wincey Rustwhether and Spiral Traitorius due to their typing.

Unfathomable Hunger - Amazing control card. If you ever use the free deployment part it's just a bonus.

Full Palette - Staple for Spirata.

Release the Fireflies - Good Trade value while also giving you a way of applying Protection and could erase a smaller card or a strong Character thats taken enough damage; just a great al-round ultility card.

Alternative cards you could use;

King Craven Traitorius - Turns off all ways to Gain shards forcing both players to rely on trading which means Nocturno enables a form of lock where your opponent has no way of Gaining shards.

Sorrono, the First Mechanical Pixie - Comes down with a powerful Action that can be replicated by attaching an Object to him. Also a stronger base Strength for combat and a Mechanical card to synergise with Mechanical Pixie Grunt.

Spiral Traitorius (Secrets of Spirata) - With this being a Character heavy Palette his Drain can get quite powerful, definitely a decent idea if you swap out the original Spiral Traitorius from the Legendary spot, or even if you don’t, as Squad Formation can still grab him.

Castle Gates - If you find your need more Dig power. It would mean your Fallen Stone Skeleton Key won’t always hit Achrom Factory though so, although it helps your ability to rebuild your Canvas, it might harm your speed in the long run.

Role Reversal - If you feel you need a way around Protection or just struggle against stronger Characters. Ravaged Elite & Mechanical Pixie Commander are probably the most viable options to give your opponent provided they don’t give them much benefit or you can instantly remove them. Also gives you a way of getting rid of Infested Characters if combat isn’t an option for any reason.

That's all from me for now guys!

If you wish to purchase any product from the Achroma website use my affiliate link that will get you 5% off your purchases. Simply follow the link below or use the code ‘antinomy93’ when you checkout.

Also we are still in the Norso Winter season! Purchase £30 of product from the Achroma store (that’s before discounts!) and get yourself a copy of the limited edition seasonal promotion card Norso Winter!
See ya real soon folks! 


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