Card Highlight - Thrash
Hello to you all realmrunners and welcome to another card highlight!
Today I was thinking I’d go into a card I discreetly alluded to in my article on The Unruly as he’s easily my favourite little cyperpunk of a Pixie to come out of The Secrets of Spirata; its Thrash!
Already sporting a decently healthy stat of 4 Strength & Shard Value, he also turns any Object you deploy into a form of removal. This can hit any card on the Canvas as well, it is not specifically just for Characters, Locations or Objects. This means if you’re building a Palette focused on Objects in Spirata, Thrash is definitely a go-to card to include.
This makes him a great tool in dealing with opponents’ Locations, that are otherwise hard to remove, as well as any Characters that have Poisonous without you needing to attack into it and lose a Character or Object of your own which then allows you to develop your Canvas further.
In terms of his usability, it may seem a bit strange, but even in a Chroma-focused Object palette he has a good place; in fact I’d even argue he’s easier to utilise due to his Pixie typing as you can then run Pixie Enlisting to get to him sooner whereas an Achrom-focused Palette would run multiple Pixies so cannot get to him as easily.
If you need an incredible object to pair with him look no further than Prismsprayer, ironically, from the Chroma Squadron faction. If it gets Erased due to taking to much damage you can immediately deploy it onto another Character for free which then triggers Thrash’s ability again.
Chances are Thrash will be a high priority target for removal from when you play him so I’d suggest you find a place for cards like Release the Fireflies or even Jamshid Orb as this would also trigger his ability as well as give him Protection. You can also make great use of Factory Production Line to grab an Object straight from your Palette, sometimes at a discount since it deploys them for free!
Spirata, as a Realm, has a lot of Object support within it so I’m confident this guy is one to keep your eye on as he’ll have a good place in those sort of Palettes for a long time going forward.
You’ll find Thrash in the Secrets of Spirata set, currently only available in First Edition on the website. Get the full Collection and you’ll not only get two copies of him (great if you play Heroes!) but you’ll also get the promotional location to go with it!
That's all from me for now guys!
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