Custom Palette Showcase - Creatures of Altari

Good day to you realmrunners and welcome to another Custom Palette Showcase!

This time I thought I’d visit a theme that occasionally has some real success and that’s basing your palette around a specific shard colour. With The Last Snow Dragons of Altari came a lot of Cyan-coloured support along with a good amount of creatures that shared some really good synergy as well so I decided to take a shot at building something to take advantage of this so here’s my Cyan based list.

Overall it’s a simple plan; put all the Cyan coloured cards out and reap the benefits of all your boosted resolves to win by Chroma. There’s also a small protection package to make your Characters more durable. So let’s go over the individual cards.

Yana - Amazing one drop for this palette especially if you have an established board already, remember her resolves counts every individual shard so Snowdrift Sanctuary alone already makes this a +5.

Materno - Enables Protection for all your other characters while having a couple of Cyan shards in it iself.

Snowdrift Sanctuary & The Valli Caves - Enables you a certain amount of control over your opponent's resolves while adding to the Cyan theme.

Jamshid Orb - Protection enabling Object; putting this on Materno creates a soft lock for your characters as well.

Isaz - It's a palette full of Cyan coloured cards that's aiming to win by Chroma... pretty much a natural fit.

Slivinee - Double Cyan shards and gains resolve based on the number of Creatures you control; as an added bonus it's not Heroic so you can deploy both at once to get even more benefits!

Jewna Hare & Spinaka Hare - Creatures with Cyan shards; Jewna Hare pays for itself as well as potentially being able to Freeze a Character and Spinaka Hare doubles up as a way of reducing your opponent's shards while still boosting yours.

Scathers - Poisonous Character for the palette; when combined with Protection from Materno or Jamshid Orb becomes a reliable form of Character control with no loss of resources on your part.

Chroma Storehouse - With it being focused on Cyan this can easily give you game-winning bursts of gain out of nowhere. 

Ice Falls - Gain is based on the number of cards with Cyan shards; pretty much auto include in here.

Monastery Nest - Location with a Cyan shard that pays for itself the turn its deployed and becomes a good source of gain from then on.

Kocora’s Achrom Crater - Cyan coloured location with a little steal action to keep your opponent's shards down; if you have access to them both, The Seige of Draco Temple and The Last Snow Dragons of Altari promo locations can also fill this slot as their resolves are better; they trade for 4 if needed and they both have Cyan in them but, for the sake of ease of access, I put these in there for this list.

Materno’s Egg - Only Character this will Reveal is Materno and it also has a Cyan shard on it if you already have Materno out to get benefits from other cards' resolves.

Breath of Fire & Summon the Mist - Good control cards that both interact with locations, note neither have Cyan shards so there's no risk of accidentally triggering one off of Isaz's Reveal.

Crucial Discovery - Reveals either Jamshid Orb or Materno's Egg to get your Protection abilities online sooner; the fact it finds an Action alongside this is an added bonus.

Alternative cards you could use include;

Fibron - If you want to go harder on the Control aspect of the Freeze cards this is a Cyan coloured 
Character with a decent strength that also steals in the resolve to boot. 

Ursusma - Strong Creature that can take down locations and has a good prevent for going against Achrom palettes.

Hularla’s Ice Spear - An Object that has enough gain to almost pay for itself, although not a Protection enabler it will make combat harder for your opponent's smaller Characters due to the Defend ability of it. 

Prism Stone - Object with a strong resolve, giving you more shards than you payed for it, which also had a Cyan colour on it. Adding this will mean you might miss Crucial Discovery Revealing a Protection enabler however so you're trading a little consistency for a potential power boost.

Chroma Overflow - Being based around one particular colour, this can give you a nice boost of shards similar to Yana's resolve however, due to needing a big setup to get the most out of this Action, I thought it was better to put in cards that synergised with the Creature sub-theme more.

That's all from me for now guys! 

If you wish to purchase any product from the Achroma website use my affiliate link that will get you 5% off your purchases. Simply follow the link below or use the code ‘antinomy93’ when you checkout.

Also we are now into the Norso Winter season! Purchase £30 of product from the Achroma store (that’s before discounts!) and get yourself a copy of the limited edition seasonal promotion card Norso Winter!
See ya real soon folks! 


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