Chapter Analysis - Siege of Draco Temple

Hello guys and welcome to the next Chapter Review; this time we’re going into an incredible fan favourite one - Seige of Draco Temple.

Chapter Overview

The first chapter of Draco is very tribal-focused; it’s very much Dragons vs Drakes taking centre stage for the most part. The factions have a lot of cards that give you strong resolves or counter the other in some way, although the latter ones are less viable in the bigger picture of competition Achroma. By way of keywords, this is where Research first appeared as well as Sacrifice although these don’t see as much play in constructed as you’d expect. 

One area this chapter does excel in is draw power, mostly thanks to Research, however it can be found through many other cards as well.

Unlike the previous realm’s legendaries, Draco’s are a little more spread in what they do in themselves; ranging from Darnacusk drawing you cards and giving you potentially huge gain to Tengri & Tenebris allowing you some control options with big bodies behind them.

Removal & Interaction

This chapter pretty much laid the groundwork for some powerful control cards; not only do the legendaries lend themselves to if so well but this set also brought Breath of Fire which is arguably one of the most powerful removal cards in the game since it’s a 2-for-1.

Sacrifice, along with the Drakes themselves, bring with them several cards that allow you to drain your opponent’s resources but the extra cost can be a heavy toll in the long run.

Board Wipes

This chapter brings 2 cards in particular, Vortigen & Chromatic Extinction, that both have the power to be entirely one-sided board wipes in the right situations. Unfortunately both are legendary and rare respectively so they’re harder to get to in constructed formats but we’ll see what the future holds in other formats for these.

Strong Resolve Cards

Pretty much all of the cards with large for gain in this chapter are reliant on your situation, that being said some of them are quite easy to build around like utilising Research along with some of the other draw power cards in the set to make Vast Volitarus an incredibly powerful card.

Outside of this the rest are focused on the state of your canvas so are arguably harder to get the full benefit from however, with some of the above control cards on your side, there’s always ways to make it work.

Chroma or Achrom?

Looking at the chapter as a whole, Chroma has to take it for me here; Dragons just have a lot more at their disposal, especially since the Sacrifice mechanic, that Drakes bring, causes them to expend more resources with very little gain from them (for now…).

You’ll find all these cards in their respective factions’ Unlimited Edition boxes on the Achroma store. You can also get yourself the whole lot, plus the accompanying Ray and Mutans expansions, a copy of HAIM Shard Cache, a playmat and access to the TTRPG, Achroma Legends, in the Draco Deluxe Realm Box.

That's all from me for now guys!

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See ya real soon folks! 

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