Chapter Analysis - Fall of Flutterby
Welcome to you all guys to the next instalment in my chapter analyses - this time going into one of the most competitive realms we currently have when it comes to Canvas tournaments; Fall of Flutterby.
Chapter Overview
This chapter brings with it some of the fastest keywords currently around with Splat and Squish; both function as ways to increase your cards' resolves as long as you control multiple cards on the canvas at once. Other than that this set also started to delve into the ability to reduce the costs of cards in your hand, allowing you to deploy cards for cheaper with the drawback of them having less trade value. As a result of all of this burst potential, the set does suffer from a lesser amount of control options; at least when compared to the previous chapters.
The legendaries of these factions generally follow the pattern of influencing the resolve, whether it be boosting it or blocking it.
One area this set does excel is draw power with several cards replacing themselves when deployed.
Removal & Interaction
You’ll find the main forms of removal stapled to the heroic pixies Sorrono and Carmela Traitorius.
Outside of these there are a few actions that also give you some interaction potential, but its mostly character-focused.
Board Wipes
In this area, Spirata brings two notable cards, Pixie Prison, which doubles as generic character removal, and Giant Prism, however both have a catch either only hitting pixies or characters with achrom shards respectively. There is also a potential location wipe in Black Out, although this sees little to no play in constructed at this time.
Strong Resolve Cards
With the theme of the set being bursts of resolve, it’s no surprise this has one of the best cards in a vacuum devoted to gaining you shards; Full Palette.
Outside of this Splat very much takes the lead in giving you strong gain with Squish having one card that can significantly boost your drain.
Chroma or Achrom?
Due mainly to the restriction of most Squish effects only adding an extra drain while Splat goes as high as 4 with Wincey Rustwhether having the potential to go even higher, I have to say chroma takes it for me in this set.
You’ll find all these cards in their respective factions’ Unlimited Edition boxes on the Achroma store. You can also get yourself the whole lot, plus the accompanying Yana and Hod expansions, a copy of HAIM Shard Cache, a playmat and access to the TTRPG, Achroma Legends, in the Spirata Deluxe Realm Box.
If you wish to purchase any product from the Achroma website use my affiliate link that will get you 5% off your purchases. Simply follow use the code ‘antinomy93’ when you checkout.
See ya real soon folks!
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