Competitive Talk - Synergies and Strategy

 Hello to all you Realm Runners and welcome to another Competitive Talk article, designed to give you some help in preparing for your next big Achroma event! 

This week, having already talked about Custom Palette building and staple cards you should play, I thought I’d bridge the gap and go into the subject of Synergy. 

It’s something that should be at the heart of your deck building as it’s where the real power comes from. A perfect example of this is the infamous Rayder palette. Whilst every person’s build has some differences the overall theme is the same; use a combination of the numerous high costing cards to trade and lower cost cards that pay for themselves quickly, then fill the gaps with some good control cards like Sorrono and Carmella to give you ways to interact and counter your opponent’s plays. Of course this is a more technical example; synergy can be found in something as simple as just using the best cards from a faction or focusing on a keyword. 

Let’s take a brief look into each realm and find an example of some fantastic synergy within it.


The Magus Elite in particular have the ability to deploy a lot of cheaper characters that, at face value, might not seem all that great as they have little to no resolves themselves.

 However, looking at some of the legendaries and rares from Salum, these can feed into some really powerful resolves especially when you consider their current Realm Modifier which turns prevent into gain.

 Of course you would have an inherent weakness when it came to combat however you would then try to offset this as much as possible by utilising your staples to deal with the bigger characters your opponent plays, or by trying out some objects to beef yours up or provide Protection. Alternatively you can choose to be more tactical about how you deploy your characters; waiting till you see something that will benefit off of them being on your canvas so you can at least get a good amount of value out of them before they are erased.


For this realm I think my best example comes from a custom palette I put together based on a single type of character that all happened to have the same coloured shards present; Cyan Creatures. I could spend an entire article going into the details of each card but I'll save that for the Custom Palette Showcase on it! For now i'll just highlight one specific part of it that I love utilising the fan-favourite Materno.

Materno enables Protection for all my characters with 2 shards or less, which is a conveniently large portion of the palette unsurprisingly. This enables Scathers to be a constant source of character removal, even if their character has protection, due to it surviving all combat. Further to this a Jamshid Orb on Materno makes the situation much harder to deal with. Further to this I then add more cards to get to Materno quicker, as it is obviously only a 1-of in my palette.

Crucial Discovery allows me to find either Materno's Egg, which then gets me to Materno herself, or Jamshid Orb if I already have the first play ready to go. The fact that 2 of the cards involved in this combo also have cyan shards in their hex is also relevant to the overall strategy too so there's further synergy there.


Outside of Rayders, a lot of the synergy within Spirata comes from the keywords or mechanics of its factions themselves. However one thing it does do very well, when compared to the other realms, is Dig for their characters.

These cards all give you some great survivability potential, especially when you take into account a very popular legendary's typing.
Spiral Traitorius is both a Fairy and Pixie character meaning that all of the above cards are able to Dig him from the dregs; this means that you are able to be more reckless with him in combat, attacking where he might not survive, as well as have the ability to use him as effective trade fodder since you can get him straight back. These are both even more relevant when focusing on Mrs Potts as she has no cost or limit to how many times she can Dig, outside of the once per turn restriction.


As a realm, Norso is a lot more focused on aggression and combat as a means for control. With this in mind there's a real standout synergy found within the Brisgavi's Rage keyword that can give you some real power versus location heavy palettes.

In the Ray expansion from Rise of the Realm Runners, you'll find Dyrnwyn, an object that enables the equipped character to attack locations and gain shards when it erases them.

Pair this with almost any of your Samr characters and they can use their Rage ability to be able to potentially take down a couple of locations a turn which will net you some shards to help further your plays from there. This can go even further if you happen to put it on Brisgavi Raider as it'll then grant you extra draw power too.

There are plenty of other examples beyond these that can be found in every realm, especially when taking Realmless cards like the Runes and Relics into account, so let your imagination go wild and try out every whacky combo you can find! After all, cards that might appear terrible at face value, often prove to be a key component to certain combos or strategies.

I hope this has whetted your appetite ahead of the Grand Tournament on December 16th!

That's all from me for now guys!

Just a quick reminder for you all - we are currently in Spirata Fall Season! That means any purchase of £30 or more made on the Achroma Store will automatically have the new promo card included with their order!

If you wish to purchase any product from the Achroma website use my affiliate link that will get you 5% off your purchases. Simply follow the link below or use the code ‘antinomy93’ when you checkout.

See ya real soon folks! 



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