
Showing posts from July, 2024

Custom Palette Showcase - New Model Pixie Army

Hello realm runners and welcome to yet another breakdown of one of my custom Palettes! Today I thought I’d look at one of my old favourite legendaries from the first Spirata set, The Fall of Flutterby, and suit him up with the support we received in the newer set. So here he is, leading the Pixies, it’s Spiral Traitorius . The strategy is pretty simple for this one really; put down a lot of Pixies then use Spiral Traitorius or Achrom Factory to get a big Steal or Drain to win with a healthy amount of cards to help you control the Canvas. So let’s look at the cards themselves. Spiral Traitorius - Here to rack up a strong resolve. Every Character you’re looking to deploy boost it so shouldn’t be hard to get him to pay for himself the turn he’s deployed. Sorrono - Strong Pixie that allows you to answer multiple cards and has a decent resolve. Wincey Rustwhether - Painter that draws a card when deployed and gives you a good source of shards. Carmela Traitorius - Amazing control card