Card Highlight - The Unruly
Hello guys and welcome to another Card Highlight article! It’s been a hot minute since my last one (apologies for that!) but continuing with looking into The Secrets of Spirata cards I thought I’d go over one that’s quite an underdog as it has some fantastic potential and flexibility whilst also being quite a niche card; The Unruly . At first glance his ability might seem mediocre at best but just take a second to think about it; anytime a card is Erased he immediately steals 1 with no other restrictions. To understand how far this card can go we need to expand on what causes cards to be Erased. Firstly there’s the standard route of Erasing cards through combat; The Unruly already sports a decent Strength of 4 which will allow it to attack over a lot of other Characters in the game, triggering his ability to steal shards with little to no cost involved. Further to this, if there’s ever any Objects involved in combat he Steals additional shards for any of those that are Erased as well,...