
Showing posts from August, 2024

Custom Palette Showcase - Lacringi’s United Front

 Hello realmrunners and welcome to another showcase of one of my Custom Palettes! Carrying on with the Norso theme, since I'd previously shown my  Brisgavi  and  Traders  Palettes, I thought I'd complete the set of factions today and go over what I use as my Lacringi build. So here's the full list. The overall strategy is pretty basic; Get a load of Hulder Trolls down to benefit off all the resolves that scale based on the number you have. With it being Norso there's a smattering of Object support in there to help deal with your opponent's cards as this is generally the most effective route in this realm. Thanks to several cards in the Palette that can Find  them easily, we can run a lot of Objects as one-ofs So let's look at the individual cards themselves. Chieftess Astrid of Lacringi  - Legendary of the Pallete. Gives your Characters decent protection with a strong Shield Wall   ability and can be a huge source of gain for you in the right circumstance. Best

Card Highlight - Magnus of Lacringi

 Hello there guys and welcome to another Card Highlight article!  As we start to build up to the release of the Monsters of Norso I think it's fair we look at the Warriors of Wishwell set and its expansions and highlight some of the understated cards that may come up as real 'staples' between the two sets. I've already covered  Eirik of Lacringi and  Lacringi Catapult and where they can really shine so I think it's time to look at another of the Heroic Lacringi Characters; Magnus of Lacringi . At face value there's a couple of boxes that Magnus of Lacringi already ticks off for me; with a Shard Value & Strength of 4 he's the perfect combination of a decent Trade  option in a pinch as well as durable enough, as a Character, to survive most things outside of Actions that Erase cards entirely or Poisonous Characters and those suited up with Objects. Whilst his Resolve effect might not seem hugely impressive this is probably down to the fact that his Act

Competitive Talk - Realm Rift Chapter 1 Top Picks

Hello Realmrunners and welcome to something a little different from me this week in terms of competitive talks. With the Achroma 2.0 launch event a little while back now, they introduced something quite common in the TCG community, a draft-style format, which has been aptly named Realm Rift. If you wish to know the mechanics behind to perform the initial draft, the steps are listed on the website  here . The entire premise of this format, much like in other games, is to build yourself a Palette solely from the cards you have drafted from the packs available. Whats exciting about this is, due to the fact the Chapter 1 boosters contain every realm within them, the rule that all your cards must come from the same realm is completely disregarded as well as the limitations on how many of the same name you can play; you are only restricted by what cards you see in your piles as they’re passed around the table. So, given the structure of cards in the booster packs plus the complete freedom yo

Chapter Analysis - A Conjuring at Curdle Cove

Hello all and welcome back to my Chapter Analysis series; with Norso’s second Chapter now on the horizon I thought it was time to get a head start on the rest of the wave starting with Salum’s second chronicle; A Conjuring at Curdle Cove. Chapter Overview This set brings with it the introduction of the Keywords Curse and Secret as well the universal Divert ability and, much like the original Chapter, has quite a big focus on control-based strategies. Generally speaking the Legendaries and Rares from this set are more focused on supporting their factions' Keywords with only a couple of them breaking this pattern.  Removal & Interaction As is usually the case to keep the environment healthier for newer players, the set does include a couple of generic Erasing Actions, although they are more costly to deploy and not as flexible as Fireball , from the previous chapter. There are other cards that allow you to disrupt your opponent’s Canvas but these are either more conditional or