Custom Palette Showcase - Lacringi’s United Front
Hello realmrunners and welcome to another showcase of one of my Custom Palettes! Carrying on with the Norso theme, since I'd previously shown my Brisgavi and Traders Palettes, I thought I'd complete the set of factions today and go over what I use as my Lacringi build. So here's the full list. The overall strategy is pretty basic; Get a load of Hulder Trolls down to benefit off all the resolves that scale based on the number you have. With it being Norso there's a smattering of Object support in there to help deal with your opponent's cards as this is generally the most effective route in this realm. Thanks to several cards in the Palette that can Find them easily, we can run a lot of Objects as one-ofs So let's look at the individual cards themselves. Chieftess Astrid of Lacringi - Legendary of the Pallete. Gives your Characters decent protection with a strong Shield Wall ability and can be a huge source of gain for you in the right circ...