
Showing posts from March, 2024

Canvas Palette Showcase - Rage of the Brisgavi

Hello Realmrunners and welcome to another article going over one of my custom palettes! With the release of Norso’s second chapter being the next thing coming up on the Achroma calemdar, I thought I’d revisit a couple of my custom-built palettes from the original set and its expansions. So here’s my custom Brisgavi faction list. The overall strategy of this list is pretty simple; use your characters to try and maintain control of the board through combat until you are able to find one of the bigger resolve cards to seal the deal as, theoretically, your opponent won’t have anything to stop it at that point. Where this palette can struggle is the fact it’s heavily reliant on having a well established board to both maintain its own shards and attack the opponent’s as well as being a little slow to start with so your first turn won’t be as powerful as Achrom palettes from other realms but, with a decent setup, it can snowball. So let’s go through the cards themselves. Achrom Breach - Alrea...

Card Highlight - Invasive Parasite

Hello realm runners and welcome to another Card Highlight! As I’m still digging my way through the details of the Secrets of Spirata set, I continue to find unsuspectingly good cards that sometimes completely passed under my radar when first looking through the set. Today’s card is a perfect example of that; that is  Invasive Parasite . This little Parasite may seem rather unimpressive but, in terms of interactive cards from Spirata, it’s proven a valuable tool in shutting down many cards’ abilities and resolves. This is helped by the fact it actually breaks the usual restriction that you can only Infest characters as this critter can also Infest locations; so for the cost of a single shard you can really cripple some, otherwise, very powerful cards. This includes cards like  Countess Issadora Curdle ; Fibron ; Blueprint Swirl ; Gunnar of Brisgavi and Achrom Breach that would otherwise allow your opponent to run away with the game or control the canvas.  Due to the nat...

Keyword Highlight - Reveal

 Hello all and welcome to another Keyword Highlight! Today I’m going to go into one that was introduced in the Rise of the Realmrummers expansions and it can have quite a big effect on palette building especially when you’re looking to build one based around a particular card; Reveal . So to start with here’s the definition of the website. On the competitive scene, this Keyword sees play mostly through the coloured realm runes that come with one of the expansions from each realm.  Generally speaking, the Chroma aligned ones; Algiz , Isaz and Kaunan ; are used to find a specific card so that you’re effectively running more copies of it at the cost of a rare slot in your palette. While the Achrom aligned  Peorth , although some lists use it for the same purpose, is more likely to be utilised as a mass-drain action that just happens to deploy something along with it. Some of the biggest names to try and Reveal with these runes are ones like Dexter, Master of Dragons ,...