Canvas Palette Showcase - Rage of the Brisgavi
Hello Realmrunners and welcome to another article going over one of my custom palettes! With the release of Norso’s second chapter being the next thing coming up on the Achroma calemdar, I thought I’d revisit a couple of my custom-built palettes from the original set and its expansions. So here’s my custom Brisgavi faction list. The overall strategy of this list is pretty simple; use your characters to try and maintain control of the board through combat until you are able to find one of the bigger resolve cards to seal the deal as, theoretically, your opponent won’t have anything to stop it at that point. Where this palette can struggle is the fact it’s heavily reliant on having a well established board to both maintain its own shards and attack the opponent’s as well as being a little slow to start with so your first turn won’t be as powerful as Achrom palettes from other realms but, with a decent setup, it can snowball. So let’s go through the cards themselves. Achrom Breach - Alrea...